Art by Katie Caulk

I loved building growing up, and I loved the outdoors. I grew up learning carpentry from my Dad, building things in the house and the yard, including the occasional boat or trebuchet.

Figuring out ways to design functional things, with the materials I had, helped me measure twice and cut once. I’d think, “Do I really need this feature of the design? Or can I fit this bracket from Home Depot without it breaking in a few years” “How am I going to make this box with only this single perfect board of walnut?” I would brainstorm solutions all hours of the day; a constant hum in the back of my mind.

I feel lucky that I can do this every day for a living; the materials and methods have advanced but the process is nearly the same. And I’m even more lucky to have applied it to some of the most advanced, cutting-edge technology in the world.

Now, I want to focus on how to use this experience to improve our balance with nature and develop a sustainable future. The frog-filled creek I played by as a kid has since dried up, and the field with oaks next door has been turned into endless warehouses.

Moving away from hydrocarbons and developing more efficient energy technologies is only the first step. Products and supply-chains need to prioritize sustainability, from beginning to end of life. Sustainable product design is where you start.

I’m privileged enough to be able to choose how I can use my skills. I’d like to use my experience for more than just a select few: to mentor younger engineers of all backgrounds, and to help turn new environmentally sustainable ideas into reality, for my family.

If you’ve read this far, I hope you’ll send me a note. I like getting things done. Let me know how I can help!

- Bruno

Livermore, CA USA